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Schaffhausen receives new data center

Beringen SH, April 2021

Safe Host wants to build a new data center in Beringen. It will be built on the site of the former SIG tennis club. The building will produce solar power itself and reuse the waste heat generated.

The Geneva data center operator Safe Host is investing in the Schaffhausen community of Beringen. He wants to build a data center on the site of the former SIG tennis club. According to a press release, the building application was submitted on April 9th. There are two projects to be approved: On the one hand, the data center itself with its ancillary buildings. On the other hand, a new substation for the electricity company of the canton of Schaffhausen ( EKS ). The latter should, among other things, enable the feed-in of larger amounts of renewable energies.

The data center will generate solar power itself. Photovoltaic shelves will be installed on all free roof areas and on the south facade. In addition, the office complex is heated with the waste heat generated by the data center itself. The rainwater is also stored where possible and processed for cooling.

According to the announcement, the municipality of Beringen sees the project as a "further milestone in the development of the industrial quarter". The local council is convinced that such a “high-tech building” has a “signal effect” in Beringen.

The architectural office Schmidli Architekten + Partner from Rafz ZH is responsible for the planning. This has already been entrusted with the planning of Safe Host's data center in Rafz, which is currently still under construction.

The Beringer data center is already the fifth owned by Safe Host. In addition to the new data center in Rafz, the company also has three centers in the greater Geneva area.

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