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Romande Energie wants to accelerate renovations

Morges VD, February 2021

Romande Energie wants to accelerate the energetic renovation of the building stock in the canton of Vaud. The energy supplier is launching the Commune Rénove program for this purpose. The canton and the federal government support the project. Two municipalities are already participating.

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In Switzerland, less than 1 percent of the building stock is energetically renovated every year. Romande Energie wants to increase this share in the canton of Vaud. For this he launched, according to a release , the program commune Renove . As part of the program, the energy supplier accompanies the individual renovation projects step by step. He acts as a contact person for all parties involved, for the owners and administrations as well as for the craftsmen and the authorities.

The program builds on the experiences of the Onex-Rénove project. The Geneva municipality Onex started this program in 2014 and was able to use it to sevenfold the renovation rate.

For its program, Romande Energie works with the Center de Recherches Energétiques et Municipale in Martigny VS, with the building energy specialist Signa-Terra in Geneva and with Pierre Olivier. The energy project consultant was one of the leaders of Onex-Rénove. "The renovation of the building stock is one of the levers for reducing CO2 emissions", Christian Petit, General Manager of Romande Energie, is quoted in his company's announcement.

The federal government and the canton of Vaud support the Commune Rénove program. Two municipalities have already decided to participate.

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