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Nyon builds district heating network

Nyon VD, April 2021

Nyon is planning a district heating network to which 130 buildings are to be connected. To this end, the municipal utilities are setting up a joint venture with Romande Energie. 85 percent of the network is to be heated with wood from the region and, in the medium term, will also use geothermal energy.

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Nyoner Stadtwerke and Romande Energie establish the joint venture thermorésÔ Nyon SA. This is to set up a district heating network in the city on Lake Geneva, to which up to 130 buildings can be connected, write the city and the Vaudois energy supplier in a message .

The network is to be heated to 85 percent with wood chips from the region. Natural gas or biogas should only be used at peak times in winter. The initiators expect a reduction in CO2 emissions of more than 7,000 tons.

Stadtwerke and Romande Energie are already working together on the EnergeÔ project. This is intended to promote the use of geothermal energy from medium depths. This geothermal energy should also be able to be used in the new district heating network in the future.

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