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New ecological design options with Stoneface natural stone brick look

January 2022

Emilio Stecher AG is a natural stone façade specialist, and the architect, planner or builder has the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of systems. We would like to particularly emphasize our self - developed and patented facade system Stoneface .

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With our bonded and patented compact facade system STONE-FACE (www.stoneface.ch), we not only have great references, but also a wonderful wealth of experience with many satisfied builders.

It has been shown in the past that facades with a stone look (i.e. so-called brick slips) with naturally split surfaces are very popular. We have many beautiful references in the Swiss gneisses Onsernone (www.onsernone.com) Valser or San Bernardino (www.schweizernatursteine.ch) and of course also in our own Rooterberger sandstone (www.rooterberger.ch), which is right on our doorstep in Root is removed. But also the mud-colored Pietra Piasentina from the Julian Pre-Alps in the Friuli (IT) region makes hearts beat faster. The gneiss Montaigut from neighboring France shines with its warm color and natural elegance.

Since the ecological aspect is becoming more and more important in today’s construction, the above Swiss rocks in particular fulfill this advantage in a perfect manner, because the material used is only between 12 and 20 mm thick and the transport distances are negligible. In addition, the naturally hand-split surface has the least amount of embodied energy, which a special study on the occasion of the 2000-watt society as an energy and climate policy concept for the city of Zurich has shown.

In order to further increase the design options for architects, planners and builders, we have included additional specially thin-cut bricks from the border region with Italy in our delivery program under the “SASSOMANIA” label. These are not only perfectly suited as a STONEFACE facade, but can also be used as decoration in the interior, in wine cellar construction and, of course, in the garden area for cladding. A first new building in Buochs NW has already been successfully embellished with our Stoneface compact façade system.

Façade renovation with stoneface: from run-of-the-mill property to beautiful rock resort, Widen.
Before and after comparison with a stoneface renovation with Vals quartzite, Lucerne.

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