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New federal building receives certificate for sustainability

Zürich/Zollikofen BE, February 2022

The Swiss Sustainable Building Network has awarded the new government administration building in Zollikofen. The new building on Eichenweg received the platinum certificate of the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard.

The new government administration building in Zollikofen has been awarded the platinum certificate of the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard. According to a press release , this is the federal government's third award for sustainable building since 2019.

In 2020, the new administration building on Pulverstrasse in Ittigen received the gold certificate, and in 2019 the administration center on Guisanplatz in Bern was awarded. "With the third award within a short period of time, the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics is being rewarded for its consistent focus on sustainable building," says a press release.

With its certificates, the Swiss Sustainable Building Network honors "high-quality and forward-looking objects" that make an ecological, social and economic contribution. In the assessment, the Zurich-based association takes into account a total of 45 indicators from the areas of business, society and the environment, including the energy consumption of a building, the flora and fauna of the surrounding area and the regional added value. The selection of the architect's office by means of a competition procedure and communication also play a role.

According to the press release, the certified new building at Eichenweg 3 houses parts of the Federal Office for IT and Telecommunications as well as the IT Service Center of the Federal Department of Justice and Police.

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