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Sustainable building network develops new standard

Zürich, April 2021

The Sustainable Building Network Switzerland has developed a new standard catalog for sustainable building. The association has set up a technical secretariat specifically for this purpose. With the new instrument, construction projects can be assessed more comprehensively than before in terms of sustainability.

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The Zurich Sustainable Building Network Switzerland (NNBS) has published a new measuring and control instrument for sustainable building. As of April, a specially set up technical secretariat takes care of the announcement of the new standard, as stated in a press release . The department is intended to be the point of contact for engineers, planners and builders in all construction phases.

The civil engineer and professor for sustainable building at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Burgdorf, Stephan Wütherich, is in charge of the secretariat. Erdjan Opan from OPAN concept SA also brings his knowledge to the secretariat. He played a key role in developing the standard for sustainable building in the infrastructure sector.

The standard measures the sustainability of a project using 75 indicators. It can be used in all project phases from the location decision through project development and construction to operation, maintenance and dismantling. The users use it to assess various topics such as health and safety, costs and benefits, energy and soil, as well as community, climate and landscape, like checklists.

The catalog also helps to question established processes, raise funds and support communication with political actors and the population, according to the announcement.

The standard is based on the SIA 112/2 "Sustainable Building – Civil Engineering and Infrastructures" standard and is compatible with other application systems.

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