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The most modern Swiss sawmill is under construction

Buttisholz LU, May 2021

The groundbreaking ceremony for Tschopp Holzindustrie AG's new sawmill took place this week. The company is investing 75 million francs in Switzerland's most modern sawmill. It is scheduled to start operating in the spring of 2023.

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Tschopp Holzindustrie AG in Buttisholz is investing 75 million francs to replace its now 21-year-old and overloaded sawmill. According to the company, the most modern sawmill in Switzerland is to be built on an area of 20,000 square meters. The company is run in the third generation by the brothers Ronald and Daniel Tschopp.

With this investment, Tschopp Holzindustrie AG is setting an important example for the domestic wood industry, according to a media release. This means that more wood-based materials made from Swiss wood could be made available to the market in the long term.

The new plant is designed for 300,000 cubic meters of logs. They should be managed from the log yard in one-shift operation and from the sawing line, including the sorting plant and stacking systems, in a maximum of two shifts. The wood species spruce / fir from local forests would also be processed in the future. Tschopp continues to rely on the "long-term and professional partnership with the proven raw wood suppliers".

Tschopp Holzindustrie AG specializes in the manufacture of formwork panels for the construction industry. Since 2005, pellets have been produced from the waste wood for the energy industry. Tschopp is the market leader in Switzerland in both areas.

After the new sawmill has gone into operation, timber construction companies will also be offered products that have not yet been manufactured at home or not industrially manufactured in Germany and therefore have to be imported from abroad, such as three-layer natural wood panels.

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