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Migros Zurich separates from Zentrum Witikon

Zürich, December 2020

The Migros Cooperative Zurich sells the Witikon Center. The buyer is the life insurance group Swiss Life. Migros Zurich will remain the tenant of this supermarket branch for several decades.

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The Migros Cooperative Zurich sells the Zentrum Witikon to the largest Swiss life insurance group, Swiss Life . The decision to sell was made as part of a regular review of the property portfolio, according to the food company in a press release . He puts an end to the adjustment of the property portfolio that has taken place over several years.

The Migros supermarket branch has existed since the Witikon Center opened in 1970. It was bought by Migros Zurich in 2012 and completely renovated in 2017. The parties have agreed not to disclose the sales price.

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