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Major merger of Homegate, Ricardo, anibis.ch and Scout24

Schweiz, September 2021

The already central Swiss online platforms will be united under one roof in the future. In this way, you create a decisive offer and act as a trendsetter in the Swiss market.

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With the merger of the marketplaces, a monopoly arises in the categories of real estate, cars and classified ads. It’s going to be tight, very tight for the competition.

The TX Group, the Ringier Verlag as well as the insurance company Mobiliar and General Atlantic, which supports the group with its international expertise in the field of digital marketplaces, are entering into a web joint venture.

There is a lot involved in real estate. Because homegate.ch owns the marketplaces home.ch , alle-immobilien.ch ,immostreet.ch and now acheter-louer.ch . The immoscout24.ch network includes comparis.ch, HEV Switzerland, Zentralhome.ch, NZZdomizil.ch, osthome.ch and many more. The offer will certainly also be placed on the newspaper portals of various national newspapers. This is how you create a competitive Swiss marketplace offering and can act as a pioneer in the Swiss market. As a spokeswoman for TX announced, all 1000 jobs will remain.

The TX-Group now holds 31 percent of the shares, Ringier and Mobiliar 29.5 each, and General Atlantic 10 percent. The four shareholders each have 25 percent of the voting rights and are pursuing the medium-term goal of an IPO.

The CEO is to be Scout24 CEO Gilles Despas, the board of directors is to consist of Mobiliar boss Michèle Rodoni, Pietro Suppino, Mark Walder and Jörn Nikolay.

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