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BaselArea cantons submit a joint economic report

Basel, July 2020

The cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Jura have now submitted a joint economic report for the first time. It describes the fundamental framework conditions as "good".

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Successful business needs good framework conditions. This is not only the case at the moment in the three cantons of the BaselArea. “They will continue to develop their strength in the future,” says the media release on the joint report by Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and the Jura. The report gives an optimistic view of the future of the changes that have also been triggered by the effects of the Corona crisis and lockdown, failure and future redesign of the international division of labor and delivery routes. The regional economy has repeatedly shown in the past that it is able to react to change and develop positively.

The three cantons have been working closely together on economic policy for years. It was therefore only natural for the governments to prepare a joint economic report. This is now happening for the first time. Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft published the last economic report in 2016.

On the basis of this analysis, future opportunities and challenges were developed and named. Above all, they want to work together on state innovation funding and location promotion. This means that more can be achieved than with the previous individual activities of each canton.

The Basel Area Business & Innovation association is at the center of the future coordinated approach. It is already financially supported jointly by the three cantons. With the range of services offered by Basel Area and the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area (SIP), the region wants to create an attractive environment for companies, research and innovation in which research and development, service providers and investors find the prerequisites for international communication and marketing.

The second additional report analyzes the effects of COVID-19 on the business location Basel-Stadt.

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