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Jasmina Ritz promotes the idea of the Limmatstadt

Limmatstadt, January 2021

Jasmina Ritz has spoken out in favor of a common self-image of the communities, the economy and the population in the Limmat Valley. The managing director of Limmatstadt AG gave an interview to the EKZ customer magazine "blue".

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According to Jasmina Ritz, the Limmat Valley and the idea of the Limmat City is more than just the route between Baden and Zurich. The managing director of Limmatstadt AG , now based in Schlieren, pointed out in an interview in the customer magazine "blue" of the electricity works of the canton of Zurich ( EKZ ) that the change from an agglomeration area to a coherent urban area has long been taking place there. "We accompany this change, bundle resources, combine the advantages and strengths of the individual communities into a common Limmat city", Ritz is quoted as saying. It names four important cornerstones for the realization of the idea of transforming the many municipalities – which are not to be merged – into a city on the Limmat: Networking of municipalities and politicians, the economy and the population. As a second point, Ritz mentions the positioning of the region with a common face, the development of the region as well as image promotion and the creation of a supra-regional awareness.

From Jasmina Ritz's point of view, the Limmattalbahn is very important for the desired cohesion. The managing director is quoted as saying that it is not just a huge commitment to the federal and cantonal region. The railway networks the communities and is the backbone of urban development, "Without the tram, the Limmat Valley would have been just an agglomeration", Ritz is quoted as saying in "blue".

This growing together and a shared cross-border vision was made possible by the development in the Limmat Valley. In the past, this was only perceived as an industrial location and a traffic axis. But a common city on the Limmat with its numerous municipalities would have much more economic and political weight. Limmatstadt AG is setting a cultural and economic agenda for the entire region. The regional magazine "36 km" – named after the length of the Limmat between Zurich and Baden – draws attention to regional products or recommends the best hiking trails, bike routes and the like. The daily newsletter “punkt4 Limmatstadt”, in which the activities of the companies are exclusively present, contributes to the “branding strategy”, ie the anchoring of the name Limmatstadt in the consciousness. Ritz: "There is no other region."

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