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House prices keep rising

Flamatt FR, August 2021

The prices for single-family houses rose by 1.5 percent across Switzerland in July compared to June. Since the beginning of the year, prices have increased by almost double digits. By contrast, rents in July were cheaper than in June. This is shown by the current Swiss Real Estate Offer Index from ImmoScout24.

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At least with the tenants, July is showing its mercy, ImmoScout24 introduces a report on the current Swiss Real Estate Offer Index. It is created monthly by the real estate platform and the real estate consultancy IAZI AG . According to the latest surveys, the rental prices advertised in July fell by an average of 0.6 percent compared to June. The analysts write that the average rental price has fallen to roughly the level at the beginning of the year.

However, you have observed different developments depending on the region. In central Switzerland and the Lake Geneva region, rents were 0.3 percent lower than in the previous month. In the canton of Zurich and the Central Plateau, no major change compared to June was registered in July. In eastern Switzerland, north-western Switzerland and Ticino, however, rents rose by between 0.3 and 2.3 percent compared to June.

The prices for single-family houses rose by another 1.5 percent in July compared to June, the press release explains. "Over the past twelve months, the advertised values for single-family houses have even risen by 9.4 percent and are almost reaching the double-digit growth rate," Martin Waeber, COO of Scout24, is quoted there. "Anyone who wants to buy their own home needs an increasingly thick financial cushion – and due to the scarce supply, a good dose of luck."

The Scout24 group belongs to the insurance group Mobiliar and the media group Ringier . In addition to the real estate platform ImmoScout24, the network of online marketplaces operates the platforms AutoScout24, FinanceScout24, MotoScout24, the classified ads platform Anibis and the marketer Scout24 Advertising.

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