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ESB promotes conversion to district heating

Biel BE, April 2021

Energie Service Biel / Bienne (ESB) supports property owners in converting to district heating. The energy company has launched a funding program for connection to heating networks. The support is independent of the current energy source.

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At the beginning of the month, ESB launched a program to promote a connection to heating networks in Biel, the energy company informed in a message . With this, ESB wants to support the Biel climate strategy, it says there. In particular, ESB wants to contribute to the city's goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050.

Most of the buildings in the city of Biel are currently heated with fossil fuels, writes ESB. Switching to district heating therefore has "high potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions". In order to reach as many property owners as possible, funding for connection to a district heating network is granted regardless of the current energy source.

Applicants must meet a number of requirements for a contribution to the connection costs, as explained in the communication. On the one hand, the property in question must be located in the area of the city of Biel and be connected to a heating network that is operated with at least 80 percent renewable energies or waste heat. On the other hand, the heating energy must be drawn from the heating network as soon as it is available. Cold connections are therefore excluded from funding. In the case of a connection also funded by the canton of Bern, the ESB grant will also be reduced by the cantonal grant.

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