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Eniwa receives the Aargauer Strom Award 2020

Aarau, October 2020

The project Im Erlifeld: the future area of Eniwa AG in Unterentfelden has been awarded the Aargauer Strom Award 2020. The Association of Aargau Electricity Suppliers awarded this prize for the energy concept of this quarter with its 90 apartments.

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The Association of Aargau Electricity Suppliers has presented this year's Aargauer Strom Award. It went to Eniwa AG for their Unterentfelden project Im Erlifeld: the future area . The prize is awarded every two years to honor particularly innovative projects by Aargau electricity suppliers.

As stated in a press release from swisspower , Eniwa AG's energy concept for this quarter convinced the jury. The area with nine new multi-family houses and its 90 apartments is largely self-sufficient. The residents benefited in many ways, according to the jurors: from environmentally friendly electricity at attractive prices, charging options for electric vehicles, e-car sharing, transparent and simple billing and ultra-fast broadband internet.

Due to the corona, the award ceremony took place "in a slightly different form" in the ELFA hall in Aarau.

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