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EBL is investing up to 1.4 billion in the energy transition

Liestal, September 2020

The Basel-based energy supplier EBL is planning a new investment vehicle. With EBL X Invest, up to 1.4 billion euros are to be invested in renewable energies in Switzerland and Europe from 2021.

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EBL wants to drive the energy transition in Switzerland and Europe with large investments. As the Basel-based energy supplier announced , it wants to create EBL X Invest, a new investment vehicle for professional investors, in 2021. This is to be equipped with equity of 250 to 500 million euros. This should trigger investments of 700 million to 1.4 billion euros in wind, solar and water power in Switzerland and Europe.

The new investment vehicle builds on EBL Wind Invest AG, which was founded in 2016 by EBL, institutional investors and pension funds. EBL Invest is said to have invested a total of 370 million euros in wind power plants in Germany by the end of 2020 with equity of 120 million euros. The plants are expected to generate 370 gigawatt hours of electricity per year.

EBL also relies on renewable energies in its own company. 97 percent of the company's own vehicle fleet is to be converted to electric drives by 2030. 95 percent of the headquarters in Liestal are managed with renewable energies.

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