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DBS Group partners with Intercity Group

Lausanne/Zürich, June 2021

The two real estate companies DBS Group and Intercity Group enter into a partnership in the management of real estate. DBS wants to strengthen its presence in German-speaking Switzerland. The IntercityGribi brand is created for the cooperation.

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The DBS Group and the Intercity Group want to combine their locations and competencies in real estate management, inform the two partner companies in a message. The respective branches of the companies are now appearing under the IntercityGribi brand. The DBS Group intends to use the cooperation to strengthen its market position in German-speaking Switzerland.

Within IntercityGribi, Gribi Bewirtschaftung AG from DBS and Intercity Bewirtschaftung AG from Intercity will act as two independent legal entities, the communication further explains. As part of the partnership, the DBS Group takes over half of the Intercity Bewirtschaftung AG. All other real estate services from DBS and Intercity remain unaffected by the cooperation.

"This step is a milestone for the DBS Group on the way to becoming one of the leading real estate managers in Switzerland," DBS Group CEO Christophe Hubschmid is quoted in the press release. "Even in view of the acquisition of Lucerne contrust immobilien ag by the DBS Group on May 27, 2021, the comprehensive presence of the group represents a considerable competitive advantage." Strengthen your own company.

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