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The coworking industry is optimistic about the future

Bern, April 2021

The providers of so-called coworking spaces have been hit hard by the Corona crisis and, in particular, the obligation to work from home. In view of the growing desire of many workers for flexible working hours, the industry is looking to the future with optimism.

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The coworking industry can look back on a difficult 2020, as stated in a press release by the industry association Coworking Switzerland . According to a survey, 56 percent of the association's members suffered losses in the past year. After the restrictions in spring 2020 and a subsequent recovery, the obligation to work from home, which was declared in autumn, hit the industry hard. In addition, the community concept is one of the essential aspects of the coworking concept, but is difficult to maintain in times of contact restrictions.

For the time after Corona, however, the industry is looking positively to the future. Many employees would like to not return to the office to the extent they were used to after the crisis. Instead, they want to make their working hours more flexible and use other locations for their work, according to Coworking Switzerland. The home office is an option here, but then there is no social exchange. In this respect, coworking spaces are the ideal alternative.

Coworking Switzerland refers here to a study by Deloitte. According to this, only 12 percent of those surveyed want to continue their work in the usual framework after the crisis. On the other hand, 62 percent would like more flexibility in the future, with 44 percent viewing the lack of social contacts in the home office as the greatest challenge.

The industry wants to take advantage of this opportunity. With 150 coworking spaces, there is a nationwide offer in Switzerland. Coworking Switzerland is now also starting a campaign in which attention is drawn to the advantages of coworking spaces. The association also produced a video for this.

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