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Canton of Jura gives electricity from geothermal energy a new chance

Delémont, January 2022

The Jura government wants to restart the Haute-Sorne geothermal project. It provides for additional security requirements and increased communication. The planned power plant is to generate electricity for 6000 households.

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Generating electricity from deep geothermal energy in Switzerland is given another chance. As announced by the Jura government, it wants to negotiate with Geo-Energie Suisse SA about a gradual resumption of the project. Additional safety requirements are to be set. In addition, an advisory committee made up of independent experts is to ensure the transparency of the project. If security is guaranteed, the government sees many advantages in the development of renewable energies, according to a statement from the canton.

The canton approved the Geo-Energie Suisse SA project in 2015. It provides for the production of electricity from deep geothermal energy for 6,000 households. A magnitude 5.4 earthquake triggered by a similar project in Pohang, South Korea, in November 2017 also sparked fears in the Haute-Sorne region. An analysis by Geo-Energie Suisse SA came to the conclusion that a scenario like that in Pohang in the Jura was “unthinkable” due to the safety requirements. However, the project actually came to a standstill.

Similar projects to generate electricity from deep geothermal heat had previously led to minor earthquakes in Basel and St.Gallen. The affected projects were then stopped.

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