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Caleira lets poenina grow

Opfikon ZH, April 2021

The poenina Group was able to increase its operating income by almost 20 percent in 2020. The background to this is the merger of the building technology group with the Caleira group. Poenina's operating result and net profit remained at the previous year's level in 2020.

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According to a message from the poenina Group , the building technology company from Glattal generated operating income of 302.2 million francs in the 2020 financial year. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to growth of 19.4 percent.

The merger of poenina with the Caleira Group, which was consolidated at the end of June 2020, is mentioned as the background to the strong growth. Caleira is an amalgamation of twelve companies from seven cantons that specialize in building envelopes and building technology. In 2019, Caleira had a turnover of 112.0 million francs.

In the top-selling area of sanitary ware, poenina earned 112.4 million francs in the year under review, while the heating and cooling business area earned 88.3 million francs. 38.4 million francs were realized in customer service.

At 15.0 million francs, poenina's operating result was 1.3 percent lower than in 2019. In contrast, net profit increased by 2.4 percent to CHF 12.6 million. Despite the sharply increased number of shares due to the merger with Caleira, poenina intends to distribute CHF 2.00 per share to the shareholders as in the previous year.

For the current year, the building technology group is assuming good market conditions in the building construction segment. The group plans to continue its growth strategy, writes poenina. The company also wants to strengthen its presence in Switzerland through further acquisitions.

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