Belimo integrates the platform for building data
Belimo is working together with the platform for networked building environments Facilio. Facilio uses artificial intelligence to collect and process building data. Belimo will use the data to optimize its controls for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
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The Facilio platform is intended to enable Belimo customers to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect real-time data on the processes in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems) and to check the building performance, explains the HVAC specialist -Systems from the Zurich Oberland in the message . Facilio, which has its headquarters in New York, and Belimo have agreed on a corresponding cooperation, it says there. “The synergy between Belimo’s digital ecosystem and Facilio’s operating and maintenance platform uses available data to unlock the potential of networked buildings and address the new challenges,” Salvatore Cataldi, Global Strategic Building IoT Expert at Belimo, is quoted in the press release.
The data collected are intended to serve property owners and property operators as a basis for implementing efficient sustainability measures, the communication further explains. “Facilio and Belimo will provide customers who are switching to an agile, data-supported operating model with a single, networked operating environment through which they can view and control their rooms and equipment in real time,” said Prabhu Ramachandran, CEO and founder of Facilio, quote there. Through the cooperation, the two partners also want to respond to the growing demand for solutions for efficient building operation.