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Baulink realizes the Marriot Hotel in Basel

Davos GR/Basel, September 2021

Munich Hotel Partners GmbH has bought the property of the closed Swissôtel Basel. Invita will convert the house into a Marriot hotel. The specialist department of Bündner Baulink AG specializes in hotel interiors.

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Munich Hotel Partners GmbH ( MHP ) has commissioned Baulink with the realization of a Marriot hotel in Basel, informs Baulink AG in a message . Specifically, the Invita division, which specializes in hotel interiors, is to renovate the former Swissôtel Basel. The hotel, which has been closed since November 2020, was bought by MHP and the American HIG Capital .

Invita will act as the general contractor for the design of the hotel’s 125 rooms and public areas, the communication further explains. “With our experience from the first conversion phase, we offer the best prerequisites for successfully and efficiently carrying out the project for MHP,” Robert Diepenbrock is quoted there. The head of the Invita department at Baulink is convinced that “he can bring specialist knowledge of hospitality to a team of first-class partners”.

For the execution of the project, Invita will work together with the architects Oana Rosen from Frankfurt. The notification does not provide any information about the financial scope of the contract.

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