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Basel processes chemically contaminated building materials

Birsfelden BL, December 2020

Recycling Nordwestschweiz AG is building a plant for processing chemically contaminated mineral construction waste and excavated material in the state mine in Birsfelden. The canton of Basel-Stadt is making part of its state mine available for building law.

Building materials from the Basel region should in future be processed and recycled in the local building material cycle. Baustoff Recycling Nordwestschweiz AG, a joint venture between Holcim Kies und Beton AG and Antag Recycling AG , founded in August 2020, wants to build a processing plant in the Birsfelden state mine. The former gravel pit is easily accessible by rail, road and the Rhine and is located next to the tunnel portal for the planned Rhine tunnel on the Basel eastern bypass.

The plant in Birsfelden should also be able to process excavated material with the highest chemical pollution level. The processed gravel is then to be further processed in the neighboring concrete plant of Holcim Kies und Beton AG. A total of two thirds of the material should flow back into the building material cycle.

The canton of Basel-Stadt surrenders part of its state mine under construction law for the plant, he writes in a message .

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