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Excellent designs adorn the photovoltaic facade of the NEST

Dübendorf ZH, March 2021

Students at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences have designed innovative photovoltaic modules for the facade of the NEST research building. The winning designs were chosen in a competition.

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Students at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences have made design objects out of photovoltaic modules. They are to be installed on the facade of the NEST research and innovation building on the campus of the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt ( Empa ) in Dübendorf. In a competition, students from the two university departments of Design and Art as well as Technology and Architecture at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU ) were invited to present their designs. The works of art were created as part of a two-week interdisciplinary block event, according to an Empa media release.

A six-member jury selected the design entitled "Crystal Clear" by Lynn Balli as the winner. Her eight motifs can be seen on the modules that will be installed on the facade of NEST in summer 2021. The design convinced the jury with "the elegant emphasis on the dynamics of glass and the successful implementation with eight individual works of art".

The jury was made up of executives from Empa, HSLU and Zug Estates . The audience award was won by Florence Schöb's “Vernetzt” project.

NEST is the joint research and innovation building of Empa and the water research institute Eawag . Construction and energy technologies and materials are tested in the modular building. This is intended to promote the sustainable use of resources and energy.

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