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Colombaro square in Canobbio

Ticino, October 2021

Colombaro square in Canobbio

Evaluation of the jury: With the current intervention, the third stage of a wider requalification of the Municipality, the public space of the historic center has been revived, inverting the hierarchy between the car and the pedestrian. The cars were not completely eliminated from the still driveway nucleus, however the pedestrian was given priority. With the new flooring it becomes clear that all the space between the buildings is public. In the granite flooring, squares of different materials have been inserted that look like colored carpets and highlight the centrality and usability of some places, giving the whole a more domestic character.

The project was appreciated because – thanks to these interventions – the quality of life in the nucleus, its habitability and its social and aggregative value have been improved. Pedestrians have returned to inhabit the streets and squares and children play on colored carpets, adults converse, passers-by stop.

Municipality of Canobbio

Architecture studio Workshop
of Construction Sagl
Lucchini-Mariotta engineering firm
and Associates SA

2014: Concept
2016: Preliminary project
2018: Final project
2018-19: Execution

Total cost: CHF 1.8 million

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