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MoneyPark opens its real estate platform

Zürich, January 2021

MoneyPark is making its real estate platform, which it developed last year, available to the general public. Buyers, sellers and owners of real estate can obtain information about the desired property here. The platform is intended to bring movement and innovation to the real estate market.

MoneyPark's real estate platform is "consistently built on big data technology", explains the Zurich-based fintech company in a press release . According to her, MoneyPark has now activated theplatform for the general public. Originally what their use was reserved for MoneyPark customers.

Potential buyers or sellers as well as owners of a property can access detailed information about the desired property via the platform, is explained further in the communication. Buyers and sellers also have the opportunity to seek advice from MoneyPark's mortgage and real estate specialists. "The new platform is not only a milestone in MoneyPark's still young company history, but above all a huge gain in transparency for every property seeker, owner and seller", Stefan Heitmann, founder and CEO of MoneyPark, is quoted in the press release.

With its real estate platform, MoneyPark wants to bring "more movement into the Swiss real estate market, which has been static for decades and has not been very innovative," according to the announcement. The company started in 2012 with the aim of facilitating access to the real estate market. “With our new platform offering, we can reach out to our customers much sooner and much longer and help them to fulfill their dream of owning a home,” says Heitmann.

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