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BKW takes over German engineering company

Bern, January 2021

The BKW subsidiary BKW Engineering buys the R&P Ruffert GmbH. The company, which specializes in structural design and has a number of locations in Germany, aims to strengthen BKW's position in multidisciplinary competition.

The BKW Group has strengthened its engineering network in Germany with the takeover of R&P Ruffert GmbH , the energy service provider from Bern informs in a message . The company, which was founded in Limburg in 1976, has additional locations in Erfurt, Halle, Düsseldorf and Hamburg. In addition, the engineering company specializing in structural engineering has project offices in Berlin, Koblenz, Frankfurt, Leipzig and Nuremberg.

The annual turnover of R&P Ruffert GmbH is put at a “lower double-digit million amount”. No information is given there about the purchase price. The approval of the takeover by the German antitrust authorities is currently pending.

After the takeover, R&P Ruffert GmbH is to be incorporated into the BKW subsidiary BKW Engineering . BKW informs that the management will remain with the previous owners and managing directors. With the takeover, she wants to "expand the competencies of her network and strengthen her position in the competition with multidisciplinary market leaders", says the press release.

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