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Domat / Ems station area is being converted

Domat/Ems GR, February 2021

The Rhaetian Railway is converting its station in Domat / Ems to make it accessible for the disabled. At the same time, the community will redesign the station area. A new station building directly on the platform is planned. The work is expected to be completed in 2023.

The Rhaetian Railway (RhB ) wrote in a press release that the Domat / Ems station area is getting "a new face". According to her, the Graubünden railway company will renew the Domat / Ems station and make it accessible for the disabled. "We are building a modern train station that is adapted to the needs of our customers and to those of the community," RhB director Renato Fasciati is quoted in the announcement.

Specifically, the RhB wants to extend both platforms at the station and partially cover them. In addition, a pedestrian underpass is to be built and equipped with handicapped-accessible ramps and stairs. The municipality of Domat / Ems contributes two passenger lifts. In addition, the RhB plans to equip sidewalks and streets with a continuous separation at the three secured level crossings.

At the same time, the municipality of Domat / Ems is tackling extensive changes in the station area. The heart of the building plans is a new commercial and residential building directly on the platform. The four-storey building will have space for public use on the ground floor and living and office space on the other three floors, according to the announcement. In addition, a new space is planned on the south side of the station. The number of bicycle parking spaces available at the station will be increased to around 300. All construction work planned by the municipality and the railway company should be completed in summer 2023.

"Good transport links are central to the community of Domat / Ems – for the numerous commuters, but also as an important commercial and industrial location," said Mayor Erich Kohler (CVP) in the message. "The overall project creates a modern, functional train station area that optimally meets high requirements for user-friendliness and audience-oriented uses."

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