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The old spinning mill in Turgi becomes a commercial and industrial center

Baden AG/Turgi AG, March 2021

The old cotton mill in Turgi is to become a modern commercial and industrial center. Offices and commercial space can be rented in the listed property from April 1st.

Limmatkraftwerke AG wants to turn the listed old cotton mill in the center of Turgi into a modern commercial complex by leasing 7000 square meters of space for offices, studios, production or storage in the central and western parts of the building. The premises can be rented from April 1st. In a media release from the owner Limmatkraftwerke AG, a subsidiary of Regionalwerke AG Baden , it is said that the tenants could design and expand the rooms according to their needs, as far as this is possible on site.

"We would like to see a lively and inspiring mix of various commercial and industrial sectors in the Turgi spinning mill," said Martin Schoop, Chairman of the Board of Directors, who lives in Turgi himself. He wants to promote the character of a modern economic center in Turgi by transferring part of the income for the promotion of Turgi. Schoop: "Part of the rent is used to feed a fund that is supposed to promote this sense of community."

The spinning mill, which was built in 1826 and was the largest spinning company in Switzerland until 1858, is located in the center of Turgi and is easily accessible. According to the announcement, there are enough parking spaces available and the spinning mill is within walking distance of Turgi train station.

The redesign also pays attention to sustainability. two parking spaces are to be equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles. The building is to be supplied with district heating from the KVA Turgi and in future it will again draw electricity from the neighboring hydropower plant operated by Limmatkraftwerke AG.

Limmatkraftwerke AG see the purchase as a strategic decision. Schoop: “We operate one of our power plants right next to the spinning mill building. Thanks to the purchase of the spinning mill, we can also ensure the operation of this power plant in the long term. ”As the owner, the use of the building can be optimally coordinated with the operation of the power plant.

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