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Implenia sees itself in a good position

Dietlikon ZH, March 2021

The coronavirus pandemic had a negative impact on Implenia's 2020 sales. Value adjustments have also pushed the construction and real estate company into the red. In the current year, however, Implenia wants to show a profit again. The portfolio is adjusted for this.

According to a message from Implenia , the construction and real estate company from Dietlikon generated sales totaling CHF 2.99 billion in 2020. In the previous year, sales of 4.43 billion Swiss francs were posted. The operating result at EBIT level fell year-on-year from CHF 63.5 million to CHF -146.8 million. A loss of 132.1 million francs was reported as the consolidated result; in 2019, a profit of 33.9 million francs had been realized.

The order backlog remained at a high level at CHF 6.39 billion and is also well distributed across business areas and markets, Implenia writes in the press release. More than 80 percent of the sales targeted for the current year are already secured. In the current year, the company intends to be back in the black.

The return to the profit zone should be achieved through restructuring in the portfolio and measures for profitable growth. Implenia writes that the company has already started to reduce business areas that are not part of its core business or that are unprofitable. For profitable growth, "an effective management of opportunities and risks was introduced".

Implenia wants to report an EBIT of at least 100 million francs in the current year. At the corresponding rate, the target is 2.8 percent. In the medium term, an EBIT margin of 4.5 percent should be achieved.

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