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«Alpha»: a novelty in the canton of Zug

Zug, March 2021

For the first time, the Alpha office building has windows that darken automatically depending on the amount of sunlight. Immo! Nvest talked to the owner about the innovative construction.

The windows of the Alpha office building, which has been under construction in Baar since summer 2020, are a novelty in the canton of Zug. Stephan Häusler, owner and CEO of Stephan Häusler AG and owner of Alpha, says: “We are foregoing classic sun blinds and relying on the SageGlass product for the glass facade. This adapts to the respective conditions depending on the amount of sunlight. " The glass darkens automatically, preventing the interior from heating up. Nevertheless, you can enjoy the view without restriction at any time. “This saves us energy as well as the maintenance and repair costs that are regularly incurred with classic sun blinds. The windows are a first in our canton. "

The Alpha office building also has a lot to offer: An ideal location, a beautiful entrance area and timeless architecture. But these attributes alone are no longer enough to score points with the targeted clientele. Häusler: “In the Alpha, tenants benefit from exclusive advantages. There is, for example, the large garden, which is also ideal for outdoor meetings. There are also two cozy loggias on each floor, which are more familiar from apartments. " On the ground floor there is a lounge with direct access to the outside area. In addition, the construction of a larger meeting room is planned. This can be reserved selectively and is suitable for events with up to 30 guests.

Fresh air thanks to ventilation blades
The interior design of the individual office complexes can be freely designed. Two showers are already planned in the basement – if the employees want to jog, fit or bike over lunch and then continue working after having showered. Häusler emphasizes the careful interior design: “For example, we manufacture the interior doors that lead into the offices from high-quality wood. This looks homely and differs from the run-of-the-mill office groove. We value beautiful colors and shapes. " The entire planning is based on the “New Work” working model: Everyone works differently. “New Work” enables more independent and freer doing and letting go. New forms of creative activities are possible in the Alpha. And if your heads do smoke, fresh air can be supplied without any problems: “Thanks to the built-in ventilation blades, the facade windows can be opened manually. This is something that people really appreciate. You don't feel like you're in an office glass box in the Alpha. "

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