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Bern is testing street lamps as charging stations

Bern, March 2021

Energie Wasser Bern is working with partners to check whether street lamps are suitable for charging electric cars. To this end, they are starting a pilot project in two Bern quarters at the end of March.

The municipal energy supplier Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) wants to convert street lamps in two Bern quarters into charging stations for electric vehicles. At the end of March, according to a press release, ewb will put two upgraded lanterns into operation at Thormannstrasse 62 and 64 and at Huberstrasse 16. The two masts will be equipped with type 2 sockets, the European standard for charging e-cars.

ewb is responding to the growing demand for e-cars and thus also for charging points in Bern. The test stations are located on residential parking areas marked blue. According to the press release, this makes them particularly suitable for residents of Thormannstrasse and Huberstrasse who have an e-car and a resident parking card.

ewb wants to expand the e-charging stations specifically in the blue zones, because this is where most people from Bern park. The energy supplier is technically supported for the project by Siemens and ubitricity as well as MOVE as an e-mobility service provider. The City of Bern and EnergieSchweiz are also involved.

For owners of diesel and gasoline cars as well as e-vehicles that are not supposed to be charged, the areas will no longer be available until the end of the pilot phase in spring 2022. They should be able to recognize this from the corresponding signs. At the end of the test phase, ewb and its project partners want to evaluate the data and decide whether to introduce such charging lanterns across the board.

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