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April rents rise by almost 1 percent

Zürich, May 2021

Compared to the previous month, rental rates for apartments to be re-let rose by 0.96 percent in April. The index for asking rents remains at 115.6 points. This is shown by the asking rent index of the homegate.ch real estate marketplace.

The homegate-ch asking rent index was unchanged in April compared to the previous month at 115.6 points. The rent for apartments to be re-let, on the other hand, rose by an average of 0.96 percent. This index is calculated monthly in cooperation with Zürcher Kantonalbank . It shows the quality-adjusted change in rental prices for new and re-let apartments based on current market offers.

“As usual,” the rents developed differently depending on the canton, according to homegate.ch in a press release. According to this, the asking rents recorded an increase in rents, especially in the cantons of Bern (0.26 percent), Thurgau (0.52 percent) and Vaud (0.24 percent). In the canton of Geneva, asking rents have fallen by 0.93 percent. A similar picture emerges in the cities. The city of Geneva in particular recorded a decline of 1.27 percent.

According to the company, the homegate.ch asking rent index is the oldest quality-adjusted rental price index in Switzerland. Real estate professionals use it as a reference source for determining the price of rental properties.

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