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Helbing models room air

Zürich, September 2021

Energy-saving building standards and the Covid19 pandemic are increasing the importance of ventilation systems for interiors such as offices or halls. The engineering and consulting company Helbling helps to optimally design and conceptualize these systems. A Helbling specialist article shows how important reliable solutions are today.

The engineering and consulting company Helbling uses innovative technologies to design ventilation systems for interiors, among other things to increase the air quality at workplaces. Last but not least, the COVID19 pandemic has put the reliable quality of indoor air at the top of the agenda of companies and institutions. According to a specialist article by Helbling, ventilation systems are also becoming more important because more and more buildings are being built according to the energy-saving Minergie standard. Improved thermal insulation and less fresh air supply help to save energy. However, sources of foreign matter such as building materials in the interior also influence the air quality.

The aim of well-designed ventilation systems is to eliminate gaseous substances such as odors as well as irritating substances and particles such as dust or viruses from the ambient air. This also includes carbon dioxide from human respiration and tiny liquid droplets, so-called aerosols. In the technical article, the authors Reto Wäger and Christian Seiler emphasize that the transport properties of aerosols are used for an efficient analysis. Since aerosols move with the expelled air, the concentration and distribution of carbon dioxide in the room can be measured and analyzed using sensors. If real measured values already flow into the planning phase, for example for workplaces or factories, “a certain air quality at the workplace can be achieved right from the start with targeted measures”, says the article.

To do this, the company uses flow simulations, for example. They are created using suitable software tools such as Ansys or COMSOL. Typical movement scenarios are also taken into account during planning. In addition, according to Helbling, other innovative systems can be used to optimize the room air, such as UV photocatalysis or plasma cleaning.

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